The core feature of functional programming: pure function

The core feature of functional programming: pure function


4 min read

Functional programming is a programming paradigm or style It is a bunch of rules that you follow when writing code. If you are familiar with Java, You might already know another prominent paradigm, object-oriented programming. Mastering this paradigm will help you develop more readable, maintainable, and manageable codebases.

Today, we are going to learn one of the core features of functional programming, Pure function.

**What Is A Pure Function? **

A pure function is a function if it follows the following 3 rules:

  1. Functions must be highly predictable, Given the same input, it should always return the same output.

  2. Functions must return exact value which is determined solely by its input.

  3. Has no side effects.

Let's explain one by one.

1: Functions must be highly predictable

If the input we are given is the same, we will get the same result, regardless of where/when we call it. It must only depend on its input arguments, It can not depend on the global state or variables outside of itself.

The function below is pure.

//pure function
const multiply = (a, b) => a * b;

// 8
multiply(2, 4);

This one is not a pure function, because the function depends on an external/global variable a

let a =10;
//pure function
const multiply = b => a * b;

// 40

2: Functions must return exactly the value.

This is not a pure function because it does not return a value

function func(num) {
    var answer = temp * num

3: Has no side effects.

I think this rule is the most tricky one, You might cause a side effect but you did not realize it. โ€Œ A side effect is any observable state change outside the called function.

Here are some common side effects:

  • Mutating external variable or object property.

  • Printing to console or screen

  • Writing to Disk

  • Dom manipulation

  • Make HTTP calls(AJAX/fetch)

Here are some impure functions related to mutating external variables or object property.

Here is our first example, this is pretty straightforward, we modify temp in the function which breaks our law of pure function.

let temp = 20
function func(num) {
    temp = 90
    return num * temp

How about this one? is func a pure function? The answer is no, Let's see why that is not a pure function.

const func = (key, value, object) => {
  object[key] = value

function test(){
    const people = {
    name: 'David'

  const answer = func('age', 20, people);

func violates two rules:

  • It adds the key/value pair directly to the object; hence, modifying the people object, which is outside of its scope.

  • func does not return any final result. This violates the rule that a pure function must return the output. From the following output of the code that answer contains undefined, This means func does not return anything.


So how do we make the above impure function a pure function?

Instead of directly adding a property to an object, we deep clone a new object by using JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(object)) Thus, we can safely add new properties to it and return this object.

const func = (key, value, object) => {
  // make a deep copy
  let newObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(object));
  newObj[key] = value
  return newObj;

function test(){
    const people = {
    name: 'David'

  const answer = func('age', 20, people);

Benefits Of Pure Functions:

  • Easier to add features Every saved function should be safely used in other places. You are confident it won't break other parts of the app. The same function can be used in various contexts.

  • More Readable It is much easier to read and reason about. Since function output only relies on its input and there is no side effect. It is fully descriptive

  • Easier to debug Since it does not interact with the external state, you do not need to look at thousands of interdependence.
