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JavaScript functional programming explained: Higher order functions, partial function, and currying, functional composition.
Recently, I refactored our console CDK pipeline code using the functional programming idea and I would like to document my understanding of functional programming. In this article, I will discuss seven functional programming techniques that you can use with JavaScript to give you a better understanding of how to apply functional programming in your web development projects.
Higher order functions
Definition: are functions that either take another function as the input or return a function as the output.
- map, filter, and reduce functions are some common higher order array functions
Here is a simple example of a higher order function use case:
const double = (a) => a * 2;
const numbers = [1,2,3];
const doubledNumbers =;
console.log(doubledNumbers); // [2,4,6]
Partial function
- Partial application in JavaScript is the process of pre-defining values to one or more arguments of a function that returns another function that accepts the remaining, unbound arguments to be completed.
Here is one example to explain the idea of partial function:
- The function
pre-define value 2 and It needs to have one more input in order to complete the function.
const multiply = (a, b) => a * b;
const createPartialFn = (fn, prefilledValue) => {
// In this example, the newInput would be 5,
// the prefilledValue would be 2.
return (newInput) => {
const output = fn(newInput, prefilledValue)
return output
const multiplyBy2 = createPartialFn(multiply, 2)
const result = multiplyBy2(5)
- It involves taking a function with multiple arguments and returning a sequence of nested functions, each taking a single argument, eventually resolving to a value. Basically, it converts a function from this:
to `f(a)(b)(c).
Here is a classic interview question about currying:
function multiply(a,b,c){
return a*b*c;
// Create a currying function that can take 1,2,3 parameters, and get the result.
// If there are not enough arguments are passed, we need to return a function.
const currying(){
const getResult = currying(multiply);
console.log(getResult(2,3,4)) //24
console.log(getResult(2,3)(4)) //24
console.log(getResult(2)(3)(4)) //24
// Solution
const currying = (func) => {
function curriedFunc(...args){
// When the parameter we passed in is larger than the func length
if(args.length >= func.length){
return func(...args);
return( => {
// It will memorize arguments in a function and recursive calling
// curriedFunc until it get enough arguments.
return curriedFunc(...args,;
return curriedFunc;
Functional composition
Functional composition is a method of combining several functions' effects to create a pipeline through which our program's data can flow.
Composing functions allows us to build complex functions from many simple, generic functions
Assuming we want to get the result of one number after it execute the following three functions.
const multiplyBy2 = x => x*2
const add10 = x => x+10
const divideBy3 = x => x/3
Traditional approach one
const multiplyBy2 = x => x*2
const add10 = x => x+10
const divideBy3 = x => x/3
const firstStepResult = multiplyBy2(10)
const secondStepResult = add10(firstStepResult)
const finalStepResult = divideBy3(secondStepResult)
console.log("finalStepResult", finalStepResult) // 10
Traditional approach two
const multiplyBy2 = x => x*2
const add10 = x => x+10
const divideBy3 = x => x/3
const result = divideBy3(add10(multiplyBy2(10)));
Alternate approach
const multiplyBy2 = x => x * 2
const add10 = x => x + 10
const divideBy3 = x => x / 3
const reduce = (array, accumulator) => {
for (const callBackFn of array) {
accumulator = callBackFn(accumulator);
return accumulator;
const steps = [multiplyBy2, add10, divideBy3];
const output = reduce(steps, 10);
// We can also use array built-in reduce function
const output2 = steps.reduce((accumulator, callBackFn) => accumulator = callBackFn(accumulator),10);
Benefits of using functional composition
Easier to add features - In the future if we want to add more steps, we can easily modify
array.More readable
Easier to debug - I know exactly the line of code my bug is in.