In the previous post, we implemented a load more functionality in React. Today, We will implement an infinite scroll component with react hooks in two approaches.
What is Infinite Scroll?
Infinite Scroll is a technique that automatically adds the next page as the user scrolls down through content. It is a common way to deal with large collections of data. It could provide a better user experience and avoid slow rendering for large lists.
What are we going to build
Two options
- Utilize Window scroll event
- Utilize Intersection Observer Api
Before getting started, we need data to load continuously, so for that, we will use this dummy API
Window Scroll Event Approach:
1. Create a load more function to fetch additional data.
const loadMore = () => {
const url = `${curPage}&limit=10`;
.then((res) => {
setHasMore(res.length > 0);
setData((prev) => [...prev, ...res]);
setCurPage((prev) => prev + 1);
.catch(() => console.log("err"))
.finally(() => setLoading(false));
After we get data on the current page, we would update hasMore flag and also append data at the end of the current data list and update the page number.
2. Declare the props in InfinityScrollComponent
InfinityScrollComponent.propTypes = {
loadMore: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
isLoading: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
hasMore: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
loadOnMount: PropTypes.bool,
: A callback when more items are requested by the user. We declare this function in the List.jsx
: Whether the data is loading or not.
: Whether there are more items to be loaded.
: Whether the component should load the first set of items, Default is true. If it is false, the data will only display after we perform a single scroll-down event.
3. Create a reference using useRef hook for DOM element that wrap the whole list
export default function InfinityScrollComponent({
loadOnMount = true,
}) {
const contentRef = useRef(null);
return <div ref={contentRef} className="infinity-scroll-component-container">{children}</div>;
4. Create a function to detect when the user has scrolled to the bottom of the page
const isBottom = () => {
if (!listRef.current) {
return false;
return listRef.current.getBoundingClientRect().bottom <= window.innerHeight;
In order to understand what we did here. There are a few terms we need to get familiar with.
It references the dom element that we wrap the whole cards.
The Element.getBoundingClientRect() method returns a DOMRect object providing information about the size of an element and its position relative to the viewport.
The window.innerHeight returns the interior height of the window in pixels, including the height of the horizontal scroll bar, if present.
How do we know if we hit the bottom?
Let's change the isBottom()
to the following and then scroll the page.
const isBottom = () => {
if (!listRef.current) {
return false;
} else {
`getBoundingClientRect: ${
console.log(`window inner height: ${window.innerHeight}`);
return false;
Here is the screenshot of the console message when we scroll the page from the beginning of the page
Here is the screenshot of the console message when we scroll the page at bottom of the list.
As you can see, as we scroll down, the number of Element.getBoundingClientRect().bottom
is decreasing and it stops at 811.
Why do we get 811 instead of 821? It is because we give CSS styling padding :10px;
to the main-container
class. If you remove the padding, the Element.getBoundingClientRect().bottom
will end up at exact same number as window.innerHeight
Now we can conclude if the Element.getBoundingClientRect().bottom
is smaller or equal to the window.innerHeight
then we hit the bottom and return true.
5. Load the first set of items based on the loadOnMount
const [initialLoad, setInitialLoad] = useState(true);
useEffect(() => {
if (loadOnMount && initialLoad) {
}, [loadMore, loadOnMount, initialLoad]);
6. Register a scroll event when the InfinityScrollComponent
is mounted the first time.
// comment out this section if you want to try throttle implementation
useEffect(() => {
const onScroll = () => {
if (!isLoading && hasMore && isBottom()) {
document.addEventListener("scroll", onScroll);
return () => document.removeEventListener("scroll", onScroll);
}, [loadMore, isLoading, hasMore]);
we only call the loadMore function when we are not loading anything and we do have additional data and we are at the bottom of the page. We use hasMore
variable to make sure we Stop calling loadMore function when the API has no additional data. The isBottom
and isLoading
make sure we do not call the load more function redundantly
Refining Our Implementation using lodash throttle function.
Since scroll events can fire at a high rate, it is recommended to throttle the event using lodash
Throttling is a technique with which a function is invoked at most once in a given time frame regardless of how many times a user tries to invoke it.
/*Uncomment below section to use throttl implementation */
const onScroll = () => {
if (!isLoading && hasMore && isBottom()) {
const throttledOnScroll = useCallback(_.throttle(onScroll, 1000), [
useEffect(() => {
document.addEventListener("scroll", throttledOnScroll);
return () => document.removeEventListener("scroll", throttledOnScroll);
}, [throttledOnScroll]);
In the above code snippet, we created a throttledOnScoll
function and wrap it with useCallback.
We use useCallback
hook because we do not want multiple instances of our throttled function to get created after each render cycle.
According to the React docs on useCallback :
Pass an inline callback and an array of dependencies.
will return a memoized version of the callback that only changes if one of the dependencies has changed
Intersection Observer Api Approach:
The Intersection Observer API provides a way to asynchronously observe changes in the intersection of a target element with an ancestor element or with a top-level document's viewport.
Here is the codesandbox.
The concept of this approach is that you give a ref to the last element of the list. This is the target we want to observe. Once the element is visible to the user. We would fetch new data. The overall structure is pretty similar as the first approach, we just need to modify it a little bit.
1. Get a ref of the last element of the list
Inside List.jsx
const [lastElement, setLastElement] = useState(null);
We would save the dom element into the lastElement variable, thus the page would re-render once we update the lastElement.
const isLastItem = (idx) => {
return idx === data.length - 1;
const createLists = () => {
return, idx) => {
return isLastItem(idx) ? (
// new content
) : (
<Card key={} url={ele.download_url} name={} />
Here we check every card element , if it is the last element, we would update lastElement state variable.
Since we pass down refs to the children component, we need to update the Card.jsx
with React forwardRef
as following code snippet.
import React, { forwardRef } from "react";
function Card(props, ref) {
const { url, name } = props;
return (
<div className="card-container" ref={ref}>
<div className="card_img">
<img src={url} alt={name} />
<div className="card_title ">
<p> {name}</p>
export default forwardRef(Card);
We will pass the lastItemRef as props for the InfinityScrollComponent
, we will use that ref for intersection observer inside InfinityScrollComponent
// new content
Of course, we need to update prop types in the InfinityScrollComponent
InfinityScrollComponent.propTypes = {
loadMore: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
isLoading: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
hasMore: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
loadOnMount: PropTypes.bool,
lastItemRef: PropTypes.shape({ current: PropTypes.instanceOf(Element) })
2. Intersection Observer logic
useEffect(() => {
const handleObserver = (entries) => {
// 2 .intersection Observer object callback handler
const { isIntersecting } = entries[0];
// fetch new data when the element is intersecting with the last element
if (!isLoading && hasMore && isIntersecting) {
// 1. Instantiate an intersection Observer object
const observer = new IntersectionObserver(handleObserver);
// 3. Targeting an element to be observed
if (lastItemRef) {
return () => {
if (lastItemRef) {
}, [lastItemRef, loadMore, isLoading, hasMore]);
In step one, we instantiate an intersection Observer object, it could take two arguments, one is a callback function, and another is options objects. In my example, I will use the default field. You can check more information about options we can pass in in this article.
In step two, The callback would invoke whenever the target visibility status is changing. Inside the callback, we destruct intersecting field, from the entry object, this is a boolean value used to check if the element that currently intersects with the root or not. We would loadMore data when the element intersecting
is true(in the viewport)
In step three, We need to target an element to be observed. We want to target the last list element.
That is it for now! Thanks for the reading!